I don't know if this one counts, but...
If I Could Make Love to a Bottle, anyone?
I would think so....surprised it hadn't been mentioned until now.
How exactly are we defining "risque?" I'm asking because I just don't put some of those songs together as far as all pushing the content envelope or breaking Al's usual PG-esque humor.
When I hear a song like "Christmas At Ground Zero" or even "Good Old Days," I don't really react like, "OOOH! I can't believe he said that!!!" There was a time when I may have did a double take on the first listening of a word or two in "Jerry Springer," but I never thought the whole song was bordering on smutty or whatever.
Speaking of "Ground Zero," I never did understand why there was such resistance when it was released as a single. I mean, I
know why radio stations refused to play it, but still I just can't understand that. Did some station in Ann Arbor or wherever really think playing this song was going to offend someone?? This was 1986...the Cold War was on the verge of ending, and any real threat of annihilation of either side was really decreasing at that point.
And I don't buy the idea that someone may have thought it was distasteful....was there this kind of mass reaction when "Grandma Got Runover By A Reindeer" was released?? We've had annual holiday traditions in which Santa beats up martians and dogs bark carols...was the idea of a post-nuclear Christmas
really that evil of a fantasy? I'm surprised the concept hadn't been turned into a sci-fi movie already.