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Re: WOWAY Awards - The Show!

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 3:39 am
by TMBJon

Re: WOWAY Awards - The Show!

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 3:46 am
by amzo39
WOW. This is fantastic!! Thanks to everyone for voting for me! I'm glad I was allowed to film at Alfest, and I'm really thankful to have my video on the actual DVD. This is awesome. And thank you for the plug. :good:

Re: WOWAY Awards - The Show!

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 3:47 am
by TMBJon

Re: WOWAY Awards - The Show!

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 3:50 am
by FredHuggins
Thank you all for this honor. I'd especially like to thank TMBJon for putting on such an amazing show, and to all the dedicated Al fans out there who voted for me. Thank you all so much.

What? Oh, okay.

I am being told that since this award is for "Funniest Member," I am expected to close with a joke. I wasn't expecting to win, so here goes, off the top of my head.

Two ducks are eating a baby. One of them says, "Where's your wife?" and the other one says, "That's no wife. That's the Holocaust!" HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!

What, you don't get it? Oh, well.

(Starts eating the award) Hey, this isn't chocolate......uh-oh.

Re: WOWAY Awards - The Show!

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 3:51 am
by TMBJon

Re: WOWAY Awards - The Show!

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 3:57 am
by TMBJon
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome WOWAY Award Nominee ANTHONTHERUN!!!

[the below is a submission from anthontherun, posted on his behalf]

When WOWAY upgraded not too long ago, it was kind of a mixed bag that we're all still getting used to. The search feature has screwed up in a multitude of ways. Polls were lost. Fast Reply disappeared for a while. Yet one change was definitely for the better: the return of the report button, to call a moderator's attention to a troublesome post. Some posters, alas, don't seem to have gotten the memo that it's come back. These are the backseat mods, calling for the locking of threads and editing of posts without actually possessing the ability to do so. Whether you find them helpful or irritating, we've come to expect this behavior from a few WOWAYers and tonight it's time to honor the best of the bunch. And we'll do it the only way we know how--in song.


[The lyrics might not be verbatim but I'm including them just in case some parts are hard to understand, and also the two smilies.]

A new poster started a thread,
"What is your favorite Weird Al song?"
And so I came in and said,
" :lockit: We've been discussing this for so long.
We already have a topic that fills the same intent
So you can either post it there or you can go get bent."
I may not have any power
But that doesn't mean anything
Because at every hour
You'll find me backseat modding.
So you'd better stay on topic
The only thing the thread's about
Break a rule, even microscopic
I'm gonna call you out, because…
I wanna be a mod now, baby
I need somebody to mod
You know I just wanna be a mod now, baby
I need somebody to mod
As discussions will take their course
They may become myopic.
It's then when I come out in full force
With the one-word question: "Topic? :stern: "
And if you screw up a quote tag, I'll tell ya how to edit your post
As far as typos, ideally you're gonna have zero at most
Before you post something new
Make sure you do a search
If it's not a debut
I'm gonna knock you off your perch
If you mess up with anything, be aware that I'm gonna shout it
Consider yourself lucky that I can't do nothing about it, but still…
I wanna be a mod now, baby
I need somebody to mod
You know I just wanna be a mod now, baby
I need somebody to mod
You must be from Albania
Because you know I'll ban ya
You must be from Albania
Because you know I'll ban ya
You must be from Albania
Because you know I'll ban ya…

And the winner is…

Holy schnikes, folks, we've got ourselves a tie! Algonacchick and JCM, congratulations! Unfortunately I can't be a backseat voter and break the tie myself, but you've both earned this one. Let's hope next year this category gets revamped and retitled "Outstanding Achievement in Using the Report Button."

Re: WOWAY Awards - The Show!

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 4:03 am
by TMBJon
My friends, as many of you are aware, I have been a devoted Weird Al fan for about 15 years now. As such is the case, I often wonder how the 11-year-old version of me would have fared if he were on this forum today. Would he go the way of spartan181, or the way of weirdalrocks? [interpret that question however you'd like]

Well, since time travel does not exist, I have done my best to make that dream a reality.

Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time in WOWAY History, please welcome... 11-Year-Old TMBJon (Yes, that was still my screenname back in 1997!)


Re: WOWAY Awards - The Show!

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 4:06 am
by TMBJon

Re: WOWAY Awards - The Show!

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 4:15 am
by TMBJon
Thank you, thank you. JNN is very proud to win this award, and you can rest assured the network will now add "Award-Winning" to its moniker from now on. JNN has been proud to serve this community as a leading source for new Weird Al related news, however I must take a moment to thank my three fellow nominees, all of whom have truly taken full advantage of the Internet - on Twitter, MySpace, and Google - to bring us all sorts of new information. As one of the many members who loves to find such spoilers, your work has not been forgotten.

And now, to present the award for Best Duo of the Year, please welcome two members you rarely see in the same place at the same time...

Fred Huggins and Tony Goldmark! ( :o )

Re: WOWAY Awards - The Show!

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 4:15 am
by FredHuggins
(The curtain rises on Fred and Tony, both adorned in elaborate tuxedos and matching Coolio hair, to an indifferent smattering of applause. They read the following, word-for-word, off of the almighty teleprompter, Praised Be Its Name).

So, it's just, like, sand and water, right?