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Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2003 6:17 pm
by Teh Dingo

Where does it get played outside of the show? (See June 7th topic to see my response to the Bob video)

If anyone actually sees the video elsewhere, report it here! Inquiring minds want to know!

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2003 6:34 pm
by algonacchick
I liked the Bob video. Al's expressions were great, and the font used was the same as the one in "Subterranean Homesick Blues". Hopefully, we'll see another video for another song in the future.


Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2003 6:55 pm
by minnick27
Has the video been played anywhere but Al-Tv yet? I would assume not, but even though Im on painkillers, its not ebough for me to be able to sit and watch MTV.


Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2003 7:08 pm
by algonacchick
I don't know. I've only watched Al-TV, and I think this was the first viewing of the AWBP video *which was also great!* and the Bob video. I pretty much stick to VH-1 if I want to see music videos. You have a little better chance of seeing one there, although they also have their lame programming, like MTV does. It's just lame light! lol!


minnick, are my eyes playing tricks on me, or do the eyes on your avatar move? That is kinda creepy.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2003 7:25 pm
by anthontherun
They move...slowly...

I thought it was neat at first, reprising the scene in the UHF video, but it got old after a while. I liked the "Harmonica solo" and "???" parts, but it lost the novelty after a while.

With that said, I'm still glad there was a video.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2003 9:04 pm
by scottidog
I think the Bob video was made just for ALTV. Not that we won't see it again, but it just doesn't look like the high quality WAY video we have become accustomed to. I think it was cool, and it completes the whole Dylan homage thang, but let's face it, Al, Bermuda and Jay (was Jay the thin guy in the dark suit that's talking to Bermuda?) could have shot it with a camcorder and a stand. Not the production values I would have hoped for a full out WAY video.

Does that mean there won't be any? At all? Hope you're happy, Marshall... or should I call you Missy. :mad:

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2003 1:09 am
by kaffy©

I loved the video, my intuitions were right.. *Gigglesnort*


Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2003 2:07 am
by autrefois
(was Jay the thin guy in the dark suit that's talking to Bermuda?)

That's a good question--I was wondering the same thing. If Bermuda's reading, maybe he'll tell us?!?

It'd also be interesting to find out what, if anything, they were talking about. Can anyone read lips? Maybe Bermuda was saying something like "I wish that [expletives deleted] had let us do Coach Potato!!" or "If you're reading our lips, you have too much time on your hands!"

One last thing I'm wondering is if Bermuda really shaved his head off or if it was just a bald cap he was wearing (now that we know it was AL-TV/video related).

In any case, it was a great take on the original video; I'm not sure if it'll run as a video by itself or not, but it was worth the wait!

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2003 2:48 am
by scottidog
What were they talking about?

Bermuda was probably telling Jay about his plans to torture us with the picture he was going to put up at The Mothership

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2003 2:53 am
by stupidsurgeon27
During a good portion of the video, I kept thinking, "Who is that with Bermuda and what are they talking about? Oh, the ability to read lips I would love!"

Well, this video will now forever remind me of a commercial for a record store here. They do their own little parody of Dylan's video for their commercials.
