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Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 12:21 am
by bryce87
not that Al's Band sucks it's just that I would have liked it to have similar quality to the songs Al produces.

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 1:04 am
by AlejandraDD
I'm pretty sure there is no other way to hear it unless you buy it. Sorry, Bob.
Yeah, I mean, how else can they afford another solid gold Humvee?

Anyway, if I can get one of my cents to go into feeding Steve's llamas, then I'm happy. Because... llamas! How cool is that?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 3:53 am
by catanddogdoctor
ludovica64 @ November 22, 2008 07:59 am wrote: I cant see anywhere in this thread where anyone who disliked the song was ridiculed for disliking the song.

I did see places where people who did like the song were not only ridiculed but accused of ridiculing those that didnt.

I also see where those that like the song have repeatedly asked those that did not to refrain from being rude, disrespectful and dismissive of other forum-mates.

It seems to me that those that dislike the song have developed an entirely spurious persecution complex revolving around nothing more than being asked not to be rude to other people and they have somehow convinced everyone else that they have need of defending their opinion of the song, which they quite evidently do not. End of.
Amen to that......


Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 9:46 am
by BabyBoolie27
AlejandraDD @ November 22, 2008 06:04 pm wrote: Anyway, if I can get one of my cents to go into feeding Steve's llamas, then I'm happy. Because... llamas! How cool is that?
Seriously, now that is a noble cause! Go llamas! ;)

You know what I would love to hear is kind of a fun song about their experiences on the road kind of in the style of BNL If I Had A $1,000,000 with a bunch of playful banter back and forth. Something that shows the close bonds they have formed over almost 3 decades of working and playing together. I think THAT would be awesome! :Y

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 4:04 am
by AlejandraDD
I just saw that the song's #1 on CDBaby top sellers list. Though why I keep visiting the website when I've already bought the song is beyond me.

Al's band should try to get a show on VH1. Like a surreal life type show where they all live in the same house for a month or something. Al could even join them.

They already did that. Only it was not VH1, but MuchMusic, and it was not a house, but a tour bus. And Al was with them. It was called Road Reports :P

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 4:42 am
by Orthography Enthusiast
mathemagician @ November 22, 2008 08:45 pm wrote: Al's band should try to get a show on VH1. Like a surreal life type show where they all live in the same house for a month or something. Al could even join them.
And their wives...? And their llamas and their dogs? :huh:

It would probably be an altogether boring TV show: bunch of guys putting stuff in the microwave, checking their email, playing a little music now and then... well, okay, that last part wouldn't be boring. The fact that they've been able to live on a band bus together for months at a stretch for a quarter of a century suggests that they figured out a long time ago how to coexist without anything really exciting or incendiary in the way of conflict happening.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 4:45 am
by Orthography Enthusiast
AlejandraDD @ November 24, 2008 02:04 am wrote: I just saw that the song's #1 on CDBaby top sellers list. Though why I keep visiting the website when I've already bought the song is beyond me.
You need a pretext? Okay, I hereby dub thee WOWAY's Official CDBaby Chartwatcher. With all emoluments and privileges appertaining thereto. :F

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 5:06 am
by polkarama27
Orthography Enthusiast @ November 23, 2008 08:42 pm wrote:
It would probably be an altogether boring TV show: bunch of guys putting stuff in the microwave, checking their email, playing a little music now and then... well, okay, that last part wouldn't be boring. The fact that they've been able to live on a band bus together for months at a stretch for a quarter of a century suggests that they figured out a long time ago how to coexist without anything really exciting or incendiary in the way of conflict happening.
Hehe, well if I was the show hostess... I would have them doing games - like Survivor or The Amazing Race :lol:

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 5:13 am
by DonnaNoble
I dunno, I think that would be fun. It would need games... or some sort of thing like "You can only eat twinkie wiener sandwiches" or something to make it exiting....

Either that, or the camra man could keep "accidentally" walking in on them in the shower :think:


Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:07 am
by polkarama27
DonnaNoble @ November 23, 2008 09:13 pm wrote: I dunno, I think that would be fun. It would need games... or some sort of thing like "You can only eat twinkie wiener sandwiches" or something to make it exiting....

Either that, or the camra man could keep "accidentally" walking in on them in the shower :think:

Oi! Where do I sign up to do the cameras?!
