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Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:05 pm
by WAYFan
Yeah, it's fine. No popups or porn or email spam or nothin'. Just like another site I know...

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 8:18 pm
by FredHuggins
DUDE THAT WAS AWESOME!!! I LOVED IT! Not quite on the SUBLIME level of Al originals like "Dare To Be Stupid," "Albuquerque" or "Virus Alert," but certainly on the same level of merely-incredibly-awesome songs like "I'll Sue Ya" and "Pancreas."

What I LOVED about it was, despite many of our fears, it was most assuredly NOT just "eBay II." If anything, it was "eBay Squared" - Al started off along that road, but then after the first verse he started twisting it into all kinds of deliciously delirious directions.

And Al NAILED the style of The Doors. I know I shouldn't be surprised by that, since he ALWAYS utterly nails musical styles, but the extent to which he ensures dead-on perfection in every new sub-sub-sub-genre he attempts, never fails to blow my freakin' mind.

They say talent hits a target nobody can hit, but genius hits a target nobody can see. Al recognizes subtle things in The Doors music that nobody else could have, and exploits them to their fullest effect. If I were to play the instrumental of this track to even the most knowledgeable rock connoisseur, they wouldn't think it was a Doors cover band. They'd think it was a lost track BY THE DOORS.

And yes, I agree that while the video looked cheap, and I probably wouldn't have spotted Liam Lynch's involvement in a blind taste test, it still FIT. It also helped me personally, because this is the first time I've EVER heard a full Weird Al song for the first time while watching its video simultaneously.

Kudos, Al. You've done it again.

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 8:57 pm
by Teh Dingo
Well Jeremy, when you open a Weird Al forum, you can run it your way.

Until then, I think we run it just fine.

Topic locked since song is no longer a spoiler.