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Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 6:45 pm
by Dumb N00b
This post will be updated regularly. It's the public "log" of everything done during the Survivor challenges. I will have my own private log as well.

This post will show:

A list of challenges
The tribe or person who won the challenge
The person voted off during this challenge

Please check this post and PM me if it has any flaws.

First challenge at 1:00 PM CST today.


#1: Interactive Trail to Hell!
W: RobInMD
VO'd: L33T AL

#2: Picture Perfect
W: Earl Greys
VO'd: sammy1378

#3: Selling Out
W: Earl Greys
VO'd: aarokid12

#4: The Most Original Man in Music?
W: Earl Greys
Resigned: Game Over

#5: Fishing For Attention
W: Holy Grails
VO'd: Crazymelon

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 7:44 pm
by Dumb N00b
Welcome, Survivors. I’m your host, DumbProbst. This is the dawning of your very first Survivor challenge. Sixteen people, collectively joined only by their love of “Weird Al” Yankovic, are stuck alone on an island. Before you start worrying about your mp3 player chargers running out, worry not. I will keep you entertained and on your toes for the entirety of your time on the island. And you won’t have to eat bugs.

Our cast list is as follows:

The Lilac Pilgrim
this is the life

At 1:00 CST, you will receive your very first tree mail. Fifteen minutes thence, you will be sent off on your very first challenge. Like the previous “challenge”, it will not be tribal. But this time, it will be for your immunity and your life. For this challenge will be followed by a council. And even the winner of the preliminary challenge is not immune to the voting which will follow it.

Good luck, and expect a Tree Mail in fifteen minutes.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:00 pm
by Dumb N00b
Tree Mail

When Nature’s killed by suburban hell
There is one way you can surely tell
If Nature’s all it’s cracked up to be
What is that way? To go and see!

Interact with flora, fauna
Eat some berries if you wanna
Find a trail, pursue it quick
Before the others find the trick

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:15 pm
by Dumb N00b
Challenge #1 (Interactive Trail to HELL!!!)

Hello, Survivors, and welcome to your very first immunity challenge.

I’ve never been a big fan of…unfinished projects and hack writers abound. But I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of an interactive story. Hundreds of wrong roads…only one is right. Usually the objective of such a challenge is to survive. But what if you are already dead…and in hell?

This brings us to the subject of this challenge, an interactive story I wrote (with some help) about, among other things, the Nature Trail to Hell. It puts you in the middle of the action – there are many ways to get to it, too. There are many amusing or random dead-ends, fantasies, mostly, of my caffeinated mind.

There is one chapter, and one only, that leads to a secret phrase that you need to PM me with to win. It will take you a while to find this chapter. There are plenty of false leads – but if you think something is right, PM me…there’s no penalty for an honest mistake.

There’s a twist, though. Since this is a public story, anyone can edit it. And if someone feels like deleting the relevant information or adding new, confusing chapters, they’re perfectly entitled to do so. If you are not a Survivor, PLEASE REFRAIN FROM EDITING THE STORY. Have fun with that.

You have until Saturday, August 18 at 1:00 PM CST to PM me with what you think is the right answer. This might seem like a long time, but I will not be available to host before this.

At that time, I will announce the person who won immunity and Tribal Council will be held. But is it really tribal? Not quite. Tribes will be announced AFTER someone has been voted off, giving one tribe more members than the other. It’s the smaller tribe’s job to “cut the other tribe down to size”, if you will.

Saturday’s far away, but remember, this is a race. So you would be advised to start exploring as best you can as soon as possible.

If is blocked at your work, I’m terribly sorry. Due to the range of people from different time zones, I really had to hold it in the middle of the day. You still have a chance – it’s a huge story and it will take people a long time to find the phrase in question.

Survivors, GO!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:29 pm
by Dumb N00b
We have a winner!

Please continue to PM me, though. I need everyone to send me a correct answer.

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 1:57 am
by Dumb N00b
Tribal Council


Hey guys. This is my first chance to use a computer seriously for a while now!

The first challenge is over, and we have a winner!!!

I got some pretty insane answers...but almost everyone sent in the right one eventually.

The winner was.....


Congratulations, Rob! If you like, you may take this avatar:


I made it in five minutes in an old version of photoshop, so it's nothing spectacular. My apologies.

No votes can be cast for RobInMD, as he is the winner of this round.

There are 15 people left, then. One of them will be voted off the island by Wednesday.

They are:


Everyone but RobInMD can vote. You are voting for someone to LEAVE the island, not to stay.

Send me a PM reading "Vote Challenge 1" in the subject and the full screen name of the person you want off the island in the body of the PM before midnight Wednesday morning.

I'm not sure quite when I'll be on, but we'll work something out.

Keep chit-chat where it belongs.



Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:10 am
by Dumb N00b

Boarding school requires some juggling, so sorry I couldn't get to you guys earlier. :(

Voting is over. I didn't even bother calculating the votes, but nearly everyone voted.

The voting was pretty much unanimous, so I don't feel it's necessary to post each vote separately. Let's just say one elite hacker didn't survive the very first tribal council.

Don't take it too personally if you were voted out. Non-participation is the primary cause of the first vote-out, so I'm sorry if you just forgot. You were given fair warning.

If you were voted out, you will be asked to leave the tribal council area and cheer the rest of us on.

SPOILER L33T_AL, sorry. Your time in Survivor has come to an end. :(W Feel free to give us your famous last words in this thread, and you may continue to post in chit-chat all you want.

Goodnight funnyman.

And now, what you've all been waiting for! Tribes!

I've divided you into two groups: the Earl Greys and the Holy Grails.

The Earl Greys
Here is your avatar:



The Holy Grails

Here is your avatar:


The Lilac Pilgrim

Will the Grays suffer from their lessened head count? Or will they each prove themselves a match for ten grails? Only time will tell.

Get ready for the next challenge with your teams. This could be as simple as IM, or as complicated as a private forum.

The next challenge will be this Saturday at 1:00 CDT. I hope you don't feel cheated of a week, but you must understand that school has already started for me, and I am in therefore as much of a quandary as you guys.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 7:57 pm
by Dumb N00b
Due to time constraints, I will be posting Tree Mail at 1:15 instead of 1:00.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:18 pm
by Dumb N00b
Tree Mail
This challenge is hard, this challenge is tough
If you haven’t got a PM, you will soon enough
Solving a puzzle with a missing box
May be hard, but when it’s done, it rocks!

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:33 pm
by Dumb N00b
Challenge #2 (Picture Perfect)

Welcome, Survivors.

By now you should have all gotten a PM with some avatar-sized pictures in it. Please do not use them as avatars, no matter how pretty they might be.

This challenge will be among the hardest I will give you. It is mostly a matter of finding a pattern. If you do not find any of the several patterns I have presented you with your tribe will not win immunity.

I would suggest you consolidate your pictures somehow with ONLY YOUR TRIBE. This will help a lot.

Each tribe has a full set of pictures.

The steps I will give you to solving the puzzle will be somewhat arcane. You must figure them out.

First, find the pattern.

Next, construct the first line of pictures.
Use this first line to create a grid. The grid will be one unit taller than it is wide.
Arrange the pictures in the grid. You have all the information you need to do this. Some might be a little on the small side or the large side. Just center them in their spot if this is the case.
Send me your final picture by PM.
Also send me a link to the “original” picture so I know you recognize it.

Good luck. You must PM me by Wednesday at 1:00 CST.

Survivors, GO!