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Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 10:29 pm
by Driew_La_27
TheMeccaOfAlbinoPoodles @ May 28 2005, 09:58 PM wrote: WAIT..

(Driew's next post will include a :rolleyes: guy.)
If we continue to get good support for the game, then yes. If not enough people play the next couple of seasons then probably not.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 12:50 am
by anthontherun
There will be at least three seasons before we get to All Stars. After Dave hosts, unless he wants to continue hosting (I'm hosting All Stars though), we'll have the winners of past seasons host.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 1:19 am
by Insert Coin(s) to Continue
anthontherun @ May 29 2005, 03:50 PM wrote: There will be at least three seasons before we get to All Stars. After Dave hosts, unless he wants to continue hosting (I'm hosting All Stars though), we'll have the winners of past seasons host.
Not a bad idea :F

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 3:22 am
by beavis1313
anthontherun @ May 29 2005, 12:18 AM wrote: I've come up with a tentative group of season 1 cast members who may get into All Stars, but I'm not posting it because I know that not everyone on it will get in, and I don't want to hear complaints of "You said I was in it," blah, blah, blah.
well at least I know I will be in it because you said so

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 3:27 am
by anthontherun
Yep, Beavis and two others are marked as definites. :bigups:

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 3:32 am
by beavis1313
I Think I have a good Idea of who they are

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 3:47 am
by anthontherun
Wanna PM me and see if you're right? :sly:

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 4:41 am
by beavis1313
Ok thanks

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 8:27 pm
by gtrmu
Am I?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 8:31 pm
by anthontherun
I'm not going to be revealing any more, but I think most of the players who think they may make it to All Stars probably will.