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Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 11:38 am
by U62
Hippielishus @ Jan 6 2008, 05:43 PM wrote: What was your favorite challenge and why?
I mentioned "Selling Out" as my favorite challenge a few posts above, so I'll divert and tell you about my least favorite. It was a warm autumn afternoon. Life was good. Tribes were merging and we were looking forward to our first individual challenge. I had no idea the worst hour of my life was ahead of me.

"Al has been feeling a little under the weather lately. Suzanne believes he might have a bug of some sort. Dr. U62, itÂ’s up to you to diagnose Al! You shall use Zoomify to help you find the evil bug."


Evil bug. Ok, no problem. Get out the handy dandy Zoomify magnifying glass and give it a shot. Is there an alien in his nostril? A spider in his hair? Ladybugs in his eyebrows? Nope, not as far as I could see.

Keep trying. I'd never stared at any man this long before in my life. After about 60 minutes going over every pixel of this picture in various magnification levels, I started to lose my mind. Al's menacing glare seemed to mock me from within my computer screen. My eyes strained. My hand locked up in a quasi-death grip on my mouse. Wife, kids and pets were sent away so I could finish this task. After all, what's more important than WOWAY Survivor Challenge? And this one was being timed!

AAAAAACCCKKK!!! Why me?? What kind of evil madman came up with this test? What should I do? And what's the deal with egg nog? Why does my grocery store only sell it for two months a year? Should I keep going on this? Or throw in the towel before medical attention is needed? Hold on a minute...... it says "stinky cheese" on Al's pinky finger.... YES! YES! And it only took me 88 minutes to notice it.

So that's the pretty-much-true story of my least favorite competition of this season of Survivor. The sad part is I can't even look at my Straight Outta Lynwood CD case without having flashbacks of it all. (Thanks a lot, Stephen.)

Kudos to Rob and Meli for finishing that challenge in quick time. In fact, Meli finished the task in 10 minutes. Had she been in the final with me now, I would be conceding to her on that basis alone.

Thank you.

U62 :Y

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:03 pm
by U62
NerdyNyara27 @ Jan 6 2008, 01:43 AM wrote: Taking the opposite stance from Autumn - tell me why you would have me vote for your opponent rather than yourself. (Basically, I'm looking for how well you guys can be sporting and acknowledge what the other has done well in this game. :))

- Laurel -
Hmm... what can I say about Keir that hasn't been said already? Keir is awesome. I really don't care what Al's restraining order against him says.

In all seriousness... Keir is an amazing competitor. He's dependable, knowledgeable, and the first guy I'd pick to be on my team in any future competitions.

And Keir's favorite album is "In 3-D", which you have to admit really is a good album.


U62 :Y

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:09 pm
by The Doctor
Oh my.. I forgot about the evils of the zoomify. :lol:
I'm sorry if it has caused you any nightmares. It'll be worth it in the end. :ph34r:

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:12 pm
by Keir
Hippielishus @ Jan 6 2008, 07:43 PM wrote: What was your favorite challenge and why?
I'll go with the first challenge (the photomosaic one). Our tribe was just getting to know each other and this challenge forced us to work together. When the pieces started to come together and the puzzle was revealed it was a great feeling.

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:09 pm
by Keir
uwvark @ Jan 6 2008, 09:16 AM wrote: Question 2: Al is standing over there giving out awesome rare stuff and anyone who wants to can get in his car with him and hang out but out of the corner of your eye off to the side you can see an old lady fell in a ditch and broke her hip but she one of those really nasty mean screaming old ladies who hits you with her purse but desperately needs your help. What do you do?
Hey, no fair adding other questions after I answered the first one! :P

What would I do? I would put on my robe and wizard hat and rush to the old lady's rescue! Al would see this of course, and come over to me and say "Hey, you're pretty swell. Here, take this tape. It's the only existing recording of Orgy on My Own." Then we'd have pizza.

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 7:51 pm
by The Doctor
Well, with the absence of this_is_the_life, this concludes the jury interrogations.

Keir, U62, this is your final opportunity to win over the jury members. Please feel free to make one last post here to make your final pleas heard.

EDIT: Fixed. :S

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 9:27 pm
by Keir
Kair? I don't know who that is, but hopefully you don't mind me putting in my own last words. ;)

This has been a lot of fun despite the various problems. I've enjoyed playing with all of you regardless of whether you were an ally or an opponent. I'm proud to have made it here and I can honestly say that I will be just as happy if U62 wins as I will if I win. He's been a great partner through all of this and deserves the title of Sole Survivor at least as much as me, if not more. Finally, Stephen, you've been a marvellous host. Thank you.

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 11:28 pm
by uwvark
Hey I'm jury I can do whatever I want.

Question 3. First person who fills in the blank correctly gets my vote.

uwvark is the ____ dude in the universe!!!


Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 11:30 pm
by The Doctor

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 1:10 am
by uwvark
Where would that leave you?
