Weird Al Survivor Viii: Gameplay Only Thread

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Tribal Council


The second challenge is over, and we have winners!

Great job, both tribes! You both did awesomely.

The winner was.....

SPOILER The Earl Greys!

Congratulations, Greys! If you like, you may take this avatar:


You are free to go until Saturday.

Holy Grails, you must vote off one of your own by 1:00 CST Saturday.

Send me a PM reading "Vote Challenge 2" in the subject and the full screen name of the person you want off the island in the body of the PM.


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Post by Dumb N00b »

Sorry about the delay. If I post this kind of thing a day late, don't worry, you won't suddenly be told that the challenge is tonight or something like that.


Tribal Council 2 results
Voting is over. I didn't even bother calculating the votes, but nearly everyone voted.

The voting was again pretty much unanimous, so I don't feel it's necessary to post each vote separately.

Don't take it too personally if you were voted out. Non-participation is the primary cause of the first vote-out, so I'm sorry if you just forgot. You were given fair warning.

If you were voted out, you will be asked to leave the tribal council area and cheer the rest of us on.

SPOILER Sammy1378, your time in Survivor has come to an end. :(W

Famous last words go in this thread. Anything else can still go in chit chat.

The next challenge will be this Thursday at 7:00 CDT. You don't need to show up completely on time or even on the same day, though getting organized is always good.
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Post by Dumb N00b »


Tree Mail

Sell it all out for a bowl of kraut
What’cha gonna do when “weird” is out?
Emo screamo, bluesman, soul?
Get your career out of this hole!
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Post by Dumb N00b »

Challenge #3: Selling Out

Welcome, Survivors.

As you may know, every good band’s worst nightmare is being accused of “selling out”. Although this usually implies that you have something good to sell, it hurts bad. But sometimes it is the only viable career choice.

Such was the case with poor Al Yankovic. He had it all: fast cars, twinkie-wiener sandwiches, a loving wife. But then his popularity with the geeks faded. He wasn’t obscure enough. He needed a boost.

Geeks were so passé anyway. He needed a new target audience.

He found one. It was perfect. It required a major makeover, but he was up to the task. And so “Weird Al” Yankovic sold his soul to…

Wait a minute.

Nobody’s seen him recently. Nobody really knows what that target audience is.

Your job? Secure an interview with the great man. Ask him about his newfound passion. Find out why he sold his soul to emo screamo rock, construction workers, or people who dress up as pirates. Anything else flies too, and the more ridiculous or un-Al-ish the subculture you choose is. Keep it clean and unoffensive if the subculture actually exists (i.e. no matter how much you might hate furries or emos or whatever, they are people and they have feelings). Try to get in an introduction describing his new look and mannerisms.

As with all fake interview contests, Al’s side of the interview has to be things Al has actually said. The Ask Al archives on are an excellent source of material. The interviews must be medium-length, easy to read, and most of all, funny.

They will be judged by a panel of judges I pick. The highest average of the judges’ scores out of ten wins.

Turn in your interview by Wednesday at 1:00, but try to do it earlier so I can post scores at that time as well. The irony of me asking you to do something early is not lost on me.

Survivors, GO!

ETA: Each tribe turns in one interview by PM.
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Post by Dumb N00b »

The Holy Grails have not turned anything in. I will grant them an extension of one day, until 7:00 CDT tomorrow, but unless they turn something in before that time, the Earl Greys will win by default.

If they turn something in, there will be no post at 7:00. Results, if any, will be posted on Saturday at 1:00.

If the Greys win by default, they will have a Tribal Council at 7:00 tomorrow.
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Post by Dumb N00b »

Tribal Council


The third challenge is over, and we have a winning team!
Thanks for putting up with me, you're both awesome!

We have two tribes here, tribe A and tribe B.

Tribe A sent in:

The career of "Weird Al" Yankovic has suddenly become... a lot more weird.

Gone are the lighthearted parodies of popular music and culture. The new Al Yankovic appears to have embraced the gangster lifestyle, and it's a bit disconcerting to see him for the first time rolling with a tough crowd, with a loaded 9mm handgun at his side. Regardless, Tribe A News was fortunate to catch up with Al to talk with him about his recent career change.

EGN: Al, first off I have to ask. What is with the shaved head, piercings and tattoos?
Al: Thanks for noticing.

EGN: Is this a look that you're planning on keeping?
Al: Well, I have to say I'm getting a lot more mail from 14-year-old girls saying, "Ooh, I didn't realize you're such a hottie.''

EGN: Well, it's come as quite a shock to fans who are used to your long hair and trademark Hawaiian print shirts.
Al: It wasn't anything that I calculated.

EGN: Really?

Al: I felt that I didn't want to be tied into that image if I didn't have to be.

EGN: Fair enough. The newswire is reporting that you're working with Kevin Federline on his new rap album. I was surprised to hear this following the Al TV segment where you poked fun of him rather harshly.
Al: Somebody asked him how he felt about it and he said, "I didn't sanction that and feel like he desecrated my work.'' So I wrote him a very sincere letter of apology.

EGN: And how was it you ended up doing backup on his new album? Was this something he blackmailed you into?
Al: No, it was really cool! I just happened to be in town; I was on the road, and I’d invited him to go my show that night in Nashville, ‘cause he lives in Nashville most of the year and he’s got a studio there. And he said, “Y’know, I wish I could go to the show, but I’m working on my album and I can’t leave the studio…but if you want to, come on by and you can sing backup on one of the songs.” And I was, like, “Absolutely! That’d be great!”

EGN: I've heard the song in question, and to be honest I didn't really like it.
A: It's absolutely terrible, yet of earth-shatteringly profound historical significance.

EGN: Is that because it led to you leaving comedy music for a career in legitimate "hardcore" rap?
Al: I mean, I wanted to stir up a little controversy, but I think I've confused and disturbed a lot of people.

EGN: That may be the understatement of the year. Why dedicate yourself to only rap music?
Al: It's my culture, and... those are my peeps. [1]

EGN: Are you concerned that people won't take you seriously as a rapper because you are white?
Al: I'm not. I met this guy Bob from Oakland a couple of years ago, and he was just as white as me.

EGN: Frankly, I'm shocked at this change. It always seemed like you had fun making humorous music.
Al: It's about as much fun as watching paint dry.

EGN: Your comedy recordings have sold millions, and now you're saying that you want nothing to do with them.
Al: All that early stuff…it’s just not that good. It’s early work. It’s like looking at old baby pictures. It’s kind of embarrassing, but, y’know, if you really must, here you go.

EGN: Why would you call the music you used to record "embarassing?"
Al: After listenin' to a couple albums, well, they all start to sound the same

EGN: Word on the street is you're collaborating with other white rappers, namely Eminem, Vanilla Ice, and Bubba Sparxxx, on a new album.
Al: Yes, they're all amazing musicians, and they don't get nearly enough credit for their talent.

EGN: You don't say. Is there an official name for your group?
Al: War, Plague, Famine & Pestilence.

EGN: How very uplifting. What is it like working with Vanilla Ice?
Al: He's a true genius and one of my all-time heroes.

EGN: 50 Cent is famous for having been shot nine times. 2Pac also survived a shooting early in his career. Have there been any events in your life that have contributed to your "street cred"?
Al: I was bitten pretty severely by my uncle's dog when I was a little kid, but I'm fine now.

EGN: That's good to hear. Now that you've gone public with this, are there any other plans for the future?
Al: First I'm goin' shoppin' in my underwear.

EGN: That's more than I needed to know. Is there anything else about the "new Al" that you want fans to know?
Al: Sometimes in private, I really like to dress up like Shirley Temple and spank myself with a hockey stick.

EGN: What? That's it, this interview is over.
Al: I was only kidding. Now, can't you take a joke?

(Interviewer leaves.)
Al: Why does this always happen to me?

Tribe B sent in:

"Yankovic to Yonkavickacheizzy, Oy Vey"

By Gnop Gnip

You know it is a sad day when this faithful reporter must do a report on a beloved musician, so you better get your tissues you little cry babies and prepare yourself for the story of the minute. No, Jessica Simpson didn’t think Scottie Tissues were made out of Scottie dogs, it is, in fact worse. The Prince of Parody has not only changed religions, but has a whole new style! Who was once a man loved by white and nerdy people turned into a man loved by Jewish people everywhere! His recent hit “Eating Kosher” made all the Jews spit out their wine in laughter and shmutz themselves. With lines like, “They see me piling salami, I know they’re all thinking I’m just eating kosher. All think I’m just eating kosher…” and, “First in line at the Jew Deli/Got billed for a challah and a nice corned beef.”

I sat down with the weird one, or shall I now say, Jew one himself. But when I first saw him, I had to shed a tear. It was as if “Weird Al” Yankovic died and was replaced by the imposer “Jew Alfred” Yonkavickacheizzy. His signature curls, thank God, were still there, but what was one a clean-shaved face, became a face with a long beard flowing from it. An accordion shaped Yarmulke topped his head and allowed me a sigh of relief that he didn’t give up his unique axe. The typical Hawaiian shirts were replaced by a simple suit with a tie that had the Star of David all over it. The only thought left in my head was, “What have you become?” His wacky movements turned into stiff, flowing strides as he walked to his seat. He straightened his jacket and pants, then crossed his legs. A smile filled his face that reminded me that he was still the same person, as did the answers that were to come…

GG: Why did you decide to convert to Judaism?

Al: Only to buy my animal-print bikini underwear.

GG: That’s the only reason why?

Al: That’s the plan. Anything can change, so don’t hold me to this, but I’m thinking that I won’t be going back on the road again until summer 2006.

GG: What does the road have to do with you changing religions and your style?

Al: Normally we probably would have used a synthesizer, but it just so happened that there was an actual B3 organ lying around the Mad Dog Recording Studio, so we were able to get the actual authentic vintage sound.

GG: Um…I guess that synthesizer is the whole idea behind the religion change then?

Al: Yyyyyeahhh, boyyyyyyyyy!

GG: Alright then, that makes perfectly no sense, but let's move on. What's the best part of being Jewish?

Al: Drooling all over myself.

GG: Uh huh…So Alfred, I love your song “Eating Kosher.” It is hilarious! I can’t get enough of that video, but why isn’t it being shown on TV?

Al: The producers at VH1 were concerned about the potential sudden ratings drop.

GG: It wasn’t that bad, though. What was the problem?

Al: No. Absolutely nothing. I was perfect in every way. With the exception of that one tiny train-derailing incident.

GG: Did that incident cause the problems then?

Al: Now that you mention it, sometimes I get really creeped out when I wake up in the morning and my mouth is full of spiders. Yuck.

GG: Alfred, you’re not making any sense… What’s wrong with you?

Al: Way back when I was just a little bitty boy living in a box under the stairs in the corner of the basement of the house half a block down the street from Jerry's Bait Shop... you know the place... well anyway, back then life was going swell and everything was juuuuust peachy... except of course for the undeniable fact that every single morning… my mother would make me a big ol' bowl of sauerkraut for breakfast…

GG: Well, that could explain a lot…

Al: I can’t speak for the rest of the band, but flash photography doesn’t particularly bother me on stage.

GG: That’s good to know…wait, you’re with the same band still? Thank goodness you kept them!

Al: I just thought it helped sell the “Amish look.”

GG: …Well, it sure did Alfred. How are you going to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, on Thursday?

Al: Lately I’ve started collecting souvenir squished pennies, and those pens that have things floating in them.

GG: Okay, I think I should wrap up this interview. Any last thoughts about your new look and style?

Al: Yeah, so just don't try anything funny, okay, Buster?

GG: Okay.

Al: Ummm… nawww, that's too easy.

GG: Well, then what do you want me to say?

Al: Organic raspberry mueslix.

GG: Why?

Al: I think the solution is staying away from really drunk idiots.

GG: Umm, sure. That was “Jew Alfred” Yonkavickacheizzy. His new album “Straight Outta Hebrew School” is available in stores that think this man is actually sane.

Three judges were consulted on their opinion of the interviews. They were fairly unanimous in their ranking of the interviews.

Some comments that were made by more than one person on Tribe A's interview included that it was well-researched, funny, and more than a little believable. Great job, Tribe A!

Some comments on Tribe B's interview included that it was funny, creative, but a little too random. Great job as well, tribe B!

All three judges, however, picked Tribe A!


SPOILER Earl Greys!

Congratulations, Greys! If you like, you may take this avatar:


You are free until the next challenge, which will be on Wednesday at 2:00. I finally took the initiative and I have a system to assure that I will be on time for every consecutive challenge. :S

Holy Grails, you must vote off one of your own by 2:00 CST Wednesday.

Send me a PM reading "Vote Challenge 3" in the subject and the full screen name of the person you want off the island in the body of the PM.

Tribal Council results and Challenge 4 will be posted at 2:00 on Wednesday.

There will be no need to show up on time Wednesday, as it will not be a Jeopardy-style challenge.


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Post by Dumb N00b »

Sorry about the delay. If I post this kind of thing a day late, don't worry, you won't suddenly be told that the challenge is tonight or something like that.


Tribal Council 3 results
Voting is over.
There still is no point in revealing the votes individually. When voting stops being unanimous I will take the time to do that.

Don't take it too personally if you were voted out...even if you know the entire tribe voted for you.

If you are voted off, you can still post in chit-chat. If you want one post here that doesn't say something along the lines of "FARK YOU DUMBPROBST, UR A HORRIBLE HOST", you can have it.

SPOILER aarokid12, your time in Survivor is over. :(W

The next challenge will tenatively be posted tomorrow at 7:00. I have it done, but I needed the internet to finish it, and I didn't have that all day.

Also, it's a race, so it wouldn't be fair to post it with no warning.

If the internet goes out I'm afraid I have no way to tell you guys I'll be late, but it's been getting better so I doubt that'll be an issue.

Again, apologies, and really, this one should be fun.
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Post by Dumb N00b »

Tree Mail:

There’s another song
Called “Since You’ve Been Gone”
And “Wanna B Ur Lovr” too
When sharing is caring
Would Al be so daring
As to share his titles with YOU?
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Post by Dumb N00b »

Challenge 4: The Most Original Man in Music?

Welcome, Survivors, to our next, late-tastic challenge! This one should be fun, although the phrase “worth the wait” has become completely inapplicable by now…

Both tribes have been doing great so far in their own way. But now is the time for another all-out race.

Debut albums. They don’t really count, do they? Heck, they don’t have a title! And that’s why for this substitution code, Al’s own debut album will be 0. In 3-D will be 1. And so on up till 9, which is Running with Scissors.

I’m going to give you strings of album names. You need to translate them back into a string of numbers. There are ways you don’t have to do this by hand. Those are fine. The end justifies the means.
The Names wrote:
“Weird Al” Yankovic / Even Worse / Dare to be Stupid / Off the Deep End / Bad Hair Day / Off the Deep End / UHF /
“Weird Al” Yankovic / Even Worse / In Polka Party! / -D / Even Worse / Bad Hair Day / Off the Deep End / Running With Scissors /
“Weird Al” Yankovic / Alapalooza / UHF / Alapalooza / In Polka Party! / -D / Dare to be Stupid / ”Weird Al” Yankovic /
“Weird Al” Yankovic / “Weird Al” Yankovic / Running With Scissors / Bad Hair Day / UHF / Even Worse / Off the Deep End /
“Weird Al” Yankovic / In Polka Party! / -D / ”Weird Al” Yankovic / Alapalooza / Dare to be Stupid / Running With Scissors / ”Weird Al” Yankovic /
“Weird Al” Yankovic / Even Worse / UHF / Bad Hair Day / UHF / ”Weird Al” Yankovic / Alapalooza /
“Weird Al” Yankovic / In Polka Party! / -D / In Polka Party! / -D / Alapalooza / Running With Scissors / Running With Scissors / Bad Hair Day /
“Weird Al” Yankovic / “Weird Al” Yankovic / Even Worse / In Polka Party! / -D / In Polka Party! / -D / ”Weird Al” Yankovic / Running With Scissors

Now you need to separate these into strings of a certain number of digits.

Each of these strings represent a different song by Al. This has to do with URLs on a certain popular website.

Think about the titles of a few Al songs. Now use your imagination – what else could those titles refer to. Could “Germs” be the title of a popular Broadway musical? Could Al Pacino have starred in a movie called “Angry White Boy Polka” before he was famous? Did Stephen King write a horror story called “My Baby’s in Love with Eddie Vedder” that never quite made it?

Search for databases of things which are catalogued by consistently long numbers. Separate your long string of numbers into groups of that many numbers. Paste the new strings into the format of the URL for that website (eg, http://www.broadwayplaysthatarealsoweir ... e/5843932/) and see what gives.

Pretty easy, huh?

Now just give me a list of the Al songs in question before the other tribe does and you’ve got it made!

Results posted on Saturday at 2:00 CST.


If the alignment of the planets is right and I sneeze at the right time.
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Post by Dumb N00b »

A tribe has won immunity. If you are the other tribe, please submit your answer by Saturday at 1:00 or you will be forced to vote two people off your tribe. If I'm horribly late again you can throw tomatoes at me.
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