Getting To Know You...and You...and You

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Post by Moneybags »

Occupation? Student and soon-to-be inventory counter (which should be almost as fun as a root canal, but at least it pays a little better).

Marital Status? Dating

Favorite Books? Big Trouble, Downsize This!, Anonymous Rex, The Naked Truth

Favorite Movies? Anything with Leslie Neilsen in it, Almost Famous, Young Frankenstein

Favorite Music? Al (but I guess that's a given) The Beatles, Soul Coughing, Cake, J. Mascis & The Fog

Left handed? Right handed? I'm a southpaw.

If money was no object, what one thing would you do? Open up a savings account to put it in (so long as I'd have access to it later, of course).

Have any hobbies? Playing bass, playing guitar, drawing, painting...

What's the most exciting thing you've ever done? Climbed a waterfall in Jamaica once. That was something else.

Do you have any special interests or hidden talents? Yes. Yes I do.
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Post by scottidog »

I know where everything is


Great, I wish I had known that last month when I lost my cell phone. I would have called you... oh, wait...

Occupation? At the moment, unemployed. I worked for a major non-profit organization for several years. The last six years with them, I ran a Homeless Family Shelter. In my last job, I was a medical receptionist in an Urgent Care. Oy, I feel like I'm filling out yet another application...

Marital Status? Never married. No childrenof my own, though I helped raise my niece from the time she was an infant until she was 16.

Favorite Books? The Bible. All Creatures Great & Small series. Favorite authors: CS Lewis and Isaac Asimov.

Favorite Movies? The Long Grey Line, Princess Bride, The Mummy, Top Secret, anything with Bing Crosby. Fiddler On The Roof. LoTR. Cheyenne Social Club and The Quiet Man. Favorite Actors/Actresses: Jimmy Stewart, John Wayne, Henry Fonda and Maureen O'Hara. And of course, Bing.

Favorite Music (aside from Al, of course) Steve Camp, and Paul Wilbur. :lookround: Bee Gees, Barry Manilow. :blush: Oh yeah, and Bing.

Left handed? Right handed? Righty.

If money was no object, what one thing would you do? You mean if I won the lottery? After I bought houses for all my family members, and gave to various charities (Habitat for Humanity, and Billy Graham for starters) I would tour chase. Since Bing isn't touring, I'd probably follow the Poodle Hat Band. Heh, get it? Poodle Hat Band... Oh, never mind.

Have any hobbies? Lots of artsy craftsy kinds of things. I stick with something as long as it interests me, then I move on. Consequently I have a ton of Craft supplies. I love Computer graphics.

What's the most exciting thing you've ever done? I don't know how exciting it was, but I stepped way out of my comfort zone and showed my dog for one summer. I had to travel, meet new people and learn a lot to do it. I met some wonderful people, spent a lot of money, and discovered that my doggy is much happier just being a dog and not a hair growing machine.

Do you have any special interests or hidden talents? I draw. I sing. I (sort of) play guitar. Bible study is a particular passion of mine.
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Post by ilikecheezealot »

Occupation? Student

Marital Status? lovelife is nonexistant :(

Favorite Books? I don't like to read...that's what being forced to read extremely boring books in school do to you...

Favorite Movies? Austin Powers trilogy, Charlie's Angels, Rush Hour 1&2

Favorite Music (aside from Al, of course) : Linkin Park, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Weezer, Nirvana...and many many many many many others...

Left handed? Right handed? GO LEFTIES!

If money was no object, what one thing would you do? Get a personal genie to grant all my wishes. :bigups:

Have any hobbies? Listening to music, eating, surfin' the net, Eating, sleeping, eating...

What's the most exciting thing you've ever done? I went parasailing at Myrtle Beach...

Do you have any special interests or hidden talents? I can play the bells, drums, percussion, flute, and keyboard well (only one-handed on the keyboard - can't play treble and bass at the same time - but I'm still good IMO), and can play trumpet somewhat so-so.

Also, I'm a song parody artist, and a songwriter [moreso a lyricist] as well. The majority of my originals are serious not comedic, though.
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Post by b-whales »

Occupation? Student

Marital Status? single

Favorite Books? I haven't read a good book in awhile...but I did like this very short book called "Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes."

Favorite Movies? UHF (of course), mostly any 80's comedy movie, Amadeus

Favorite Music (aside from Al, of course): Mozart (hence why I like Amadeus), Relient K, alternative rock, classical - I like lots of things

Left handed? Right handed? I'm a righty

If money was no object, what one thing would you do? Go to every Al concert, pay my way out of school, and move to my own personal island.

Have any hobbies? Creating websites, surfing the web, playing piano (over 7 years), making short cheap-looking music videos on my computer

What's the most exciting thing you've ever done? I got to meet some guy from Congress...I really haven't done many exciting things

Do you have any special interests or hidden talents? I try to sing, dance, and play clarinet. I also for some reason enjoy writing stories making fun of my science class.
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Post by Cameron Stitch »



Marital Status?


Favorite Books?

um... Holes by Louis Sachar and Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

Favorite Movies?

Star Wars, Home Alone, and Wayne's World 2

Favorite Music (aside from Al, of course)

Pretty much anything EXCEPT RAP.

Left handed? Right handed?

Righty tighty!

If money was no object, what one thing would you do?

Geez... I could do anything? That's hard...

Have any hobbies?

Buying Weird Al merchandise.

What's the most exciting thing you've ever done?

Advanced placement algebra.

Do you have any special interests or hidden talents?

I enjoy collecting Pez dispensers. Hidden talents... I can touch my nose with the tip of my tongue. Does that count?
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Post by stupidsurgeon27 »

Occupation? Graduating high school currently. Starting this weekend, I go job hunting for the summer.

Marital Status? Single and not interested in a love life at this time.

Favorite Books? Hmmm. My LOTR, some Trek, and The Hitchhiker's Trilogy!

Favorite Movies? UHF, Spaceballs, The History of the World Part 1, Young Frankenstein, X-Men 2 (just saw it Sunday...pretty), and LOTR (pretty).

Favorite Music (aside from Al, of course) Oldies and Dementia. You know, the other parts of Dementia besides Al. :)

Left handed? Right handed? Righty, but I can write with my left a bit, just not well at all.

If money was no object, what one thing would you do? Make it so I could do more than one thing with limitless money.

Have any hobbies? Music, reading, computers, Al, Star Trek, and other stuff.

What's the most exciting thing you've ever done? Got on plane and went to Alifornia. :)

Do you have any special interests or hidden talents? I can put my legs behind my head.

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Post by JDTurnbull272 »


I work at a saw mill butchering trees and cutting off my limbs.

Marital Status?

At 14? :stupid:

Favorite Books?

The Hardy Boys, The Bible, and (does this count) MAD Magazine

Favorite Movies?

UHF, Hook, The whole Naked Gun Trilogy, Spiderman, "Weird Al" Yankovic Live...Etc...

Favorite Music (aside from Al, of course)

Avril Lavigne, Eminem, Sugar Cult, Lifehouse, The Beatles...

Left handed? Right handed?

Uhhhh, Right?

If money was no object, what one thing would you do?

Do all the things that I can't do with my current budget?

Have any hobbies?

HO Train building, Collecting Weird Al's CD's, Playing Computer, Watching TV, Body Boarding, Snorkeling, Reading, Biking, and tons more...

What's the most exciting thing you've ever done?

Well I guess the most exciting thing I ever WILL do has to be going to WalMart May 20th and purchasing "Poodle Hat". :onfire: (They promised it would be there. It better be since I am riding my bike there(Ten Miles downhill THERE, 10 miles uphill HOME)) :sleepy:

Do you have any special interests or hidden talents?

I can imitate ALmost anyone's singing(Including Weird Al, Eminem, Avril Lavigne...)
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Re: Getting to know you...and you...and you

Post by Jigawatt »

Since folks are posting their pictures and discussing their screen names,
I thought I'd try something to let us know more about each other, while we
await PH day. Anyone interested, just answer the questions below. Feel free to embelish any way you like.

I like this idea!

Occupation? Programmer and "e-mail marketing specialist" (no, I'm not a spammer).

Marital Status? Single, but with the same gal for 6+ years. I'll be 24 in a couple months, and she just turned 22 a couple months ago... so no huge rush on that one.. yet. :)

Favorite Books? "Have a Nice Day : A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks", by Mick Foley.

Favorite Movies? UHF (of course), the Star Wars trilogy, and pretty much anything by Mel Brooks, especially Spaceballs and History of the World Part I, the Back to the Future trilogy... Oh yeah and Office Space... I've always loved that movie and now *my boss is the boss from that movie*, down to the speech patterns and the omnipresent coffee mug.

Favorite Music (aside from Al, of course) Queen, along with a lot of other random songs by random people/bands

Left handed? Right handed? Severely right-handed. Don't even know why the left one is there.

If money was no object, what one thing would you do? ...not go to work everyday! Everything else would just fall into place.

Have any hobbies? Video games, WWE, baseball (tragically, I am a fan of the New York Mets), rollercoaster enthusiast... I also like to go entertain the homeless cats that are up for adoption at a place by my job on my lunch break.. it's fun and it makes up for the fact that I can't have one until I move out of the place I'm in now.

What's the most exciting thing you've ever done? Meeting Al! Also, some of the rollercoasters I've had the pleasure of riding have really sent chills down my spine...

Do you have any special interests or hidden talents? Hmm... I make one of the most mouth-devastating hot sauces you'll ever taste. :onfire:

Can't think of much else right now!

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Re: Getting to know you...and you...and you

Post by weirdallie27 »

Occupation? College student pursuing a BFA in Graphic design

Marital Status? Single

Favorite Books? Tommy's Tale by Alan Cumming, Angela's Ashes, anything by Stephen King.....

Favorite Movies? The Anniversary Party, The Secret of NIMH, Titus, X-Men United, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, anything that's funny

Favorite Music (aside from Al, of course) The Beatles, They Might Be Giants, Those Darn Accordions!, Adam Sandler, Nirvana, Solas, The Cranberries, Flogging Molly, folk music, traditional Irish/ Scottish music.....

Left handed? Right handed? Lefty

If money was no object, what one thing would you do? One thing? I can't narrow it a lot of nice stuff for friends, family, and me of course. Then tour chase.

Have any hobbies? Drawing, painting, looking for neat stuff on E-bay,......sleeping.

What's the most exciting thing you've ever done? met Al and the band......went to NYC at saw Cabaret at Studio 54 twice....

Do you have any special interests or hidden talents? I have the amazing ability to be extremely clumsy and still not break any bones.....except for a toe.....
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Post by BillyW3 »

Occupation? None. I just lost my job on Monday. :D

Marital Status? Married

Favorite Books? Star Wars: X-wing novels

Favorite Movies? Star Wars

Favorite Music (aside from Al, of course) Pretty much any kind of rock and/or roll

Left handed? Right handed? Both

If money was no object, what one thing would you do? Go around the world in 80 days, or something like that.

Have any hobbies? video games, reading, Star Wars fandom

What's the most exciting thing you've ever done? Flying to Denver to meet my future bride at a Star Wars convention

Do you have any special interests or hidden talents? I don't know
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