Design An Al Related T-shirt, It Might Be For Sale

Here you can show your graphics skills or any program made of Weird Al.

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Post by Kayy911 »

How this works: People make and submit shirts for "derby's" at, every night at midnight CST a new shirt goes for sale and every friday the winning Derby shirt gets sold. All shirts are 10$ free shipping.

Here's more info:

Make it Al Related, people may vote for it.

Derby #2: Heat

It's 95 and muggy where we live, so we were having a little trouble taking our minds off the heat long enough to choose a Derby theme. Then we realized that the theme chose us. Heat: the word most often used and abused in '80s song and movie titles. Glenn Frey says it's on, Dirk Diggler asks you to feel his, Jim Belushi and Arnold Schwarzenegger prefer theirs red. It's hot. It's heat. Don't get burned.


Only users who have made at least one purchase at any Woot site may vote in the Derby. If that’s you, just click “I’d Want One” next to any designs that catch your fancy. You can vote for as many different designs as you like, but only once per design. If you don’t see the “I’d Want One” buttons next to the designs, you’re either not logged in, or you’ve never bought anything from Woot. Go log in and/or buy something if you want to vote.
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