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The Unauthorized Al (A movie I'm making)

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:50 pm
by Yup.
So, for the last 3 months I've been working on a little movie that I'm planning on giving to Al At the NJ book signing. Basically, here's what it's about:
Al has done so much for us fans. Performing concerts, book signings, meet-and-greets, the list goes on. And some of us go through a lot of hard times and Al helps us through them. He does so much for us and never asks for anything in return. So, "The Unauthorized Al" will be a combination of fans thanking Al in their own unique way for how he's impacted their lives.
(I wrote that somewhere else that's why it's in quotes)

What I'm looking for is fans to participate! No one is forced to of course, but if you'd like to participate in any way, shape, or form, send it to me at [email protected]. If maybe you don't want to put your face in the movie we're looking for someone to design the cover of the case. Or artwork, songs, little movies, just thanking him in a little video, anything! I pretty much accept anything you send me. Everything is due October 15th.

I currently have "cameos" from (forum users) alemilix and Casey Killingsworth. I have pending ones from (not sure if they're on the forum) Hannah Litaker and Amber Bumgarner. I need as many as I can get!

The movie will be uploaded to my YouTube channel on November 3rd, but Al will be receiving the first copy.

Here, some sneak peaks!

The very inaccurate movie trailer:" onclick=";return false;
The intro:" onclick=";return false;
The updated movie trailer: ..." onclick=";return false;

By the way, in the intro I did use a lot of pictures from here. If you have a problem with them being used in the movie just drop me an email at [email protected] and I will gladly remove it with no hassle.

Thank for reading.
