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Game ideas

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 4:25 am
by anthontherun
I had a few ideas for games, but I don't know if they'd be ok, so let me check first:

"Survivors" of the ALbums--we vote out our least favorite songs from each album, round by round, to find a winner

The Top 27 Al Songs (one by one we list songs to go onto THE LIST--obviously after Poodle Hat comes out)

Guess the Song--either a lyric or info about a song, and we have to guess what song it is

Just wanted to get your answer on this.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 7:06 am
by WHiZZi
How are you planning to do that? Open up topics?

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 7:53 pm
by CatraDhtem
How are you planning to do that?

Well if I may throw out a suggestion, on a board I visit when there is some kind of trivia thread, usually whoever answers the first question correctly gets to ask the next, then the person who gets the second question correctly asks the next, and so on and so on.

I don't see why that kind of format wouldn't work for the song lyrics if done as just a thread.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 10:33 pm
by anthontherun
Greg's right--it'd be one topic per game, and whoever guesses the right song does a new one. With survivors, it'd be either one whole topic or one per album, and the 27 top songs could be one topic.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2003 1:28 am
by anthontherun
So could I start up an RWS Survivor?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2003 7:05 am
by WHiZZi
mmm let me think..



Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2003 4:17 am
by Elvis
Just a minor complaint/suggestion to all of the people posting "survivor" polls.

I've been reading things like, ""I'm only going to keep this poll open until Wednesday because it looks like a landslide" or "I'm going to take the top 2 off to speed things along." Well there's some problems with that.

First, I think the polls need to be open for the entire week, no matter what. It's unfair to think just because a song got a lot of votes early on, everybody for the rest of the week will want to vote that way. I know it's hard for some people who are here several times a day to understnad this, but some regulars only check the forum once a week, or less, and by closing it early you're ignoring their votes. If it's a landslide, so be it, but I think you can wait a week to find out.

Next, and this one really bothers me, I think you should only vote one off at a time because the first round you vote for the song you want to see go (Song A). Others vote for song B. Well, A and B get the most votes and taken off, but everybody who voted for Song A the first round might not have voted for Song B the second round. They might have voted for Song C the second round, and maybe song C would have gotten more votes than Song B.

If you're going to do it, I think you should do it right.


Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2003 4:20 am
by anthontherun
The reason I close them in less than a week is because when you take a look at the votes, the numbers don't really change after three or four days. There might be two or three votes after that, but for the most part, every vote comes early on. And taking two off, it just speeds it up so we can get to the Champions edition sooner.

BTW, should we start that Top 27 Al Songs soon?

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 9:29 pm
by Elvis
The reason I close them in less than a week is because when you take a look at the votes, the numbers don't really change after three or four days. There might be two or three votes after that, but for the most part, every vote comes early on.
But on a few of them, it was close enough that even "two or three votes" could have made a difference. In 1999, some news channels announced polls in Florida had closed an hour before some actually had (due to part of Florida being in a different time zone). That kept an unknown number of voters from actually going to the polls. Had those people gone and voted, perhaps the presidential election would have come out differently, or at least made it clearer who won the election sooner. That election proved to us every vote really does count.

Regardless, if it's a close race or a landslide, waiting a week allows an opportunity for everyone who wanted to vote to vote. If it's really is a landslide, it still will be a landslide after a week.
And taking two off, it just speeds it up so we can get to the Champions edition sooner.
But don't you see the flaw in that logic? See my example above. Maybe I wasn't clear on it. Try this...

Round 1:
A gets 10 votes
B gets 0 votes
C gets 9 votes


(kicking top 2 off)
A and C get kicked off. B wins.


(kicking only highest vote getter off)
Round 2: Only A gets booted off.
B gets 10 votes
C gets 9 votes

B got kicked off. C Wins.


Clearer now? Do you see the flaw? It's not a true survivor.
BTW, should we start that Top 27 Al Songs soon?

Yeah, and eliminate the top 26 vote getters in the first round... :sarcasm:


Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 11:36 pm
by anthontherun
I know what you're saying... ;)

Anyway, I'll go with that. I can't speak for the others though. So BHD Survivor has two days left, since it started last Wednesday, and only one will be kicked off.