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Al mention in new Al Franken book

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 3:08 am
by CatraDhtem
There's an Al reference in Al Franken's controversial new book "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right."

I know not everyone on here is a fan of political humor, so in an effort to spare those who may not want to buy the book, I don't think I'm depriving Mr. Franken of his $24.95 if I quote this little passage.

In one chapter, he explains how out-of-date the FBI's computer systems were, specifically their internal search engines.

QUOTE They can't search for \"al Qaeda.\" To search for al Qaeda, they first have to go through every \"Al.\" They go through me, they go through Al Gore, they have to read every Weird Al Yankovich lyric.

By my count, this is the second time Franken has mentioned Al in one of his books. According to an Ask Al, Franken jokingly claimed in his book "Why Not Me?" that he approached Al with appearing on the cover. I guess Franken gets a kick out of there being another famous Al around.

Those who follow Franken's career may recognize the new joke from his June 2002 appearance on Conan O'Brien. In fact, I was watching that particular episode just before sending out that month's edition of the Songography, so in a sort of comedic epiphany, I thought it would make a funny, yet appropriate, lead-in.

Yes yes, I know Franken misspelled Al's last name, but I blame his copyeditor for not looking up the correct spelling. Franken did mispronounce Al's name as "Yankovich" on Conan, so chalk it up to one those nagging little misconceptions of Al's name (I'll at least cut them some slack for forgetting the quotation marks).

But anyway, if you're not turned off by political humor, I do recommend picking up this book. Don't let the misquoting and misrepresentation by a certain newsgroup troll scare you away from Al Franken. Franken is one of the smartest satirists out there.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 3:47 am
by scottidog
Well, when I do a news search for Weird Al, I always have to wade through a bunch of al queda stuff...

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 3:54 am
by SmileyGirl87
That's sad...really sad...

Don't get me started on politics...

But at least it was Al to another. Very cool.


^also liked how Ben Folds thanked Al in his liner notes for "Rockin' the Suburbs"...:inlove:

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 4:33 am
by weird_el
QUOTE Well, when I do a news search for Weird Al, I always have to wade through a bunch of al qaeda stuff...

That's why whenever I search for Al, I search for Yankovic. I encounter Frankie occassionally, but it's almost always our Al.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 6:18 am
by Teh Dingo
Well, it's not uncommon to confuse Al with a terrorist. We all know Al's the Unabomber.... :biggrin:

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 7:44 am
by CatraDhtem
QUOTE That's why whenever I search for Al, I search for Yankovic.

Yeah, same here. If that turns up very little, I usually then search for "Weird Al"...making sure to use quotes.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 7:56 pm
by SmileyGirl87
Good thoughts. But let's not drag the unibomber back into it...<reminded of EA dramedy...>



^knows the best WAY links she gets are from dearest WOWAY...:inlove:

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 1:13 am
by al fan300
Yeah i remember my dad telling my oe fthe unibomber thing.He said it was one of the clips for the [SPOILERS for aussies, i think]

Clips where they go "are you ready for weird al yankovic" and show different tv people saying his name [ i know,not much of a spoiler but I like to be kind enough to keep others spoiler free from every detail]

I really don`t care much on al.......FRANKEN that is!

I only seen one thing on him which is a gay joke on SNl and his kid hears it and keeps yelling "I hate you dad,I hate you" over and i never liked the jokes I heard...which isn`t too bad since I havent heard much on him :biggrin:

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 6:43 pm
by Kevbo1987
I don't like Al Franken one bit. But, mad props to him for mentioning Al, even if he did get the name wrong.