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Re: Al songs on the radio

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 3:23 am
by arewethereyet
Listening to a public radio quiz show called "Ask Me Another" -- today's show has a segment in which someone sings a bit of one of Al's songs but stops , and the contestants have to give the end of the phrase. Here's their website: (the segment called "Two Tickets to Parodies", of course)

Re: Al songs on the radio

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 7:31 pm
by Alinite27
Al is going to be featured on a Toronto radio station, Newstalk1010, Sunday morning from 9-11. If anyone is around Toronto, you could win prizes. If not, you can listen." onclick=";return false;

Re: Al songs on the radio

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 8:37 pm
by Muppetboy09
One of my family members just heard Word Crimes played on the radio!!!

Re: Al songs on the radio

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 3:18 pm
by WeirdDana27
dead_parrot, it's good to know someone else remembers hearing Al on Radio Disney! That, in fact, was where I first discovered the majority of Al's classics! (and then some!) In late '97, the first Al song I remember hearing them play was "Phony Calls," and they would regularly play "Yoda," "The Saga Begins," "Eat It," "My Bologna," "I Love Rocky Road," "Lasagna," and even "Spam!" At one point though they did play "Jurassic Park," but only once do I remember hearing it. Yes, I do remember the "Weird Al is my Pal" sweepstakes...I wish they did that again! Spending a day at Disneyland with Al sounds amazing!

Re: Al songs on the radio

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 1:03 am
by Well, Well, Well
the local station from UW-Milwaukee plays 2 versions of the same song during a one-hour block on Mondays apparently, which also turned out to be Al's birthday this year. Amazingly, I generally don't listen to the radio but found myself drawn to this station on a day that also happened to be Al's birthday, unbeknownst to me. So they played Pharrell's Happy and then Tacky. Before they played the songs they commented on Weird Al's #1 album and gave him a very happy birthday. this might be the only time I've heard Weird Al on the radio, although I think I heard Christmas at Ground Zero one time, though I can't recall the station.

Re: Al songs on the radio

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 3:49 am
by Yankomaniac
The rock radio station here in Ottawa was celebrating bands that have been on The Simpsons which there were quite a lot of but I didn't hear any Al songs or mentions which made me want to kill them.