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Which Albums During Which Time of Day?

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 5:55 am
by tomatochives
This might be a strange question, but I'm bored and a little drunk.

Describe which album(s) go best with each time of day (Morning/Afternoon/Night), in your opinion.

Re: Which Albums During Which Time of Day?

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 11:21 am
by mellow weasel
The only instance I listen to any music one album at a time is when I'm checking out a new album. E.g when "Mandatory Fun" came out and I was listening to it all day round for several days... or was it weeks :? ? Normally I pick several music folders and set them on shuffle.

Re: Which Albums During Which Time of Day?

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 9:17 pm
by anthontherun
The debut album is designed for Friday nights, hanging out with a couple of close friends in one of their garages as you discuss the merits of the local sports team.
In 3-D is more of a Saturday night, out on the town kind of album. You're at the club, slip the DJ a $20, and then amaze everyone with a spontaneous routine to "That Boy Could Dance."
Dare to Be Stupid is what you play on Monday morning as you're getting dressed and ready to start the work week, which works out perfectly because the time it takes from the start of "One More Minute" to the end of "Hooked on Polkas" is approximately how long it takes me to tie a tie.
Polka Party! seems pretty obvious--that's a Thursday at 2:15 record.
Even Worse is perfect for a mid-afternoon run, preferably while wearing a fat suit.
The UHF soundtrack is the one you play during a midnight drive going nowhere in particular, or to an all-night all-you-can-eat buffet, whichever you find first.
Off the Deep End is a Sunday morning album. Put on some headphones, crank it up, and you'll be surprised at how quickly church goes by.
Alapalooza is clearly a date night record. I always pour myself a nice vintage Merlot and relax on a lawn chair under the stars with my special lady as we talk about the vast intricacies of life. By the time "Traffic Jam" starts, we're both totally shitfaced.
Bad Hair Day is actually better to listen to on a good hair day, ironically enough.
Running With Scissors is the perfect soundtrack for when you pick up a hitchhiker late at night, drive 70 miles out of your way to take him to his destination, then he offers you $21.63--all the money he has to his name--to cover gas but you refuse and sagely tell him just to pay it forward the next time he has an opportunity to help out a stranger, and then when he turns around you take out a shovel from the backseat and whack him on the head repeatedly until he bleeds to death, and then you take his wallet and drive off.
Poodle Hat is what's playing when you stare at your hands and see the dried blood, and it suddenly hits you, "Oh my God, what have I just done?" You drive back to retrieve the body so you can bury it. But the sun is coming up, and you don't have much time. I just...I don't know what came over me last night. I was more animal than man! The thrill of the just isn't worth all the guilt. I'm just gonna leave the body here in the woods. Say a quick prayer and hope nobody stumbles upon it.
Gotta get my mind off the last few hours, so I put Straight Outta Lynwood on the stereo. Ahhhh, "White and Nerdy" makes everything better. This is a good naptime album.
I wake up from my nap and I feel great. So glad all of that's behind me. I invite my special lady over for a home-cooked meal, and I turn on Alpocalypse (on vinyl, naturally) since it's the perfect album to cook dinner to. We have a lovely meal of lobster and mashed potatoes, and then we sit down to watch The Simpsons...but it's pre-empted because of some breaking news story. Ugh, I hate it when that happens! They found the body. I knew that was coming, but I didn't realize it would happen so soon. It's ok. It's ok. They can't connect it to me. I'm fine. Then the anchor says there's a sketch of a suspect. My special lady looks at me and says, "Wow, that guy looks a lot li--"
I turn on Poodle Hat again, because like I said, no better album to bury a body to. I chuckle when I get to the first verse of "Why Does This Always Happen to Me?" because sometimes you just have to laugh, you know? Life imitates art. Say, why are all these police helicopters buzzing around in my backyard? I take out my machine gun and start firing at these pigs, shouting, "You'll never take me alive!!!!!!" Normally, I would prefer Peter and the Wolf as my go-to soundtrack for a standoff with the police, but I don't have it on my iPod, so I'll just put on In 3-D.
Mandatory Fun is the album I request to listen to just before my execution. Life is funny, you never know what's in got that right, Al. You got that right.

Re: Which Albums During Which Time of Day?

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 9:30 pm
by Big Spoon

Re: Which Albums During Which Time of Day?

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 10:05 pm
by Yankomaniac
This is awesome, great idea for a thread! I laughed pretty hard at that post above.

Re: Which Albums During Which Time of Day?

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 4:49 am
by tomatochives
Alright, anthontherun wins, everyone else go home

Re: Which Albums During Which Time of Day?

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 9:55 pm
by Yankomaniac
This won't be as comedic as anthontherun's times of course, but these are based on when I would typically throw these albums on. Since it is touring season this is going on most days:

ALbum the 1st: Usually a morning album unless I'm showing it to someone for the first time or something. In the morning some people read the paper, I throw a lot of albums on while I drink coffee and what not in the morning and based on the albums length its great for those morning chores. Good album if your on the can or something and need some entertainment.

In 3-D: Good workout album. Also great for jogging, and making breakfast or lunch.

Dare To Be Stupid: Perfect amount of time on this album for taking a shower or folding the laundry.

Polka Party!: Sometimes I use it for a pre-workout stretch, or when I got a couple chores round the house to do. Good length for that.

Even Worse: Great workout album. Greatest album for killing time when your waiting for somebody. Seems best in the afternoon to me.

UHF: I like to throw this on when I am cooking a meal, preferably breakfast on Saturday mornings.

Off The Deep End: Perfect jogging album, I jog in the morning too so most of my Al-listening would be done during the day during these everyday tasks.

Alapalooza: Good album to put on when you gotta clean the bathroom. Or making dinner.

Bad Hair Day: This one seems to work well anytime, anywhere.

Running With Scissors: Was raining big time today so I jogged up and down the stairs and all around the house to this one this morning. Another anytime, anywhere type album. Always reminds me of the summer of '99.

Poodle Hat: Probably at night time when I am bored or when I know I got hours of house cleaning ahead of me.
Straight Outta Lynwood: I tend to fire this one on when I'm messing around on here or searching the web, I don't know why. That would be in the evening.

Alpocalypse: Probably gets the less plays for sure but they would probably be around morning workout time. Maybe during the cooking of a meal which can be time consuming so I am always listening to something.

Mandatory Fun: Usually on in the vehicle during this tour at least. They all get their turn in the vehicle though but this one as of late seems to be used for ALL of the above. Even on the can from time to time. Can't specify a time of day for this one though, and all of the above could occur at anytime too so the real conclusion here is any album, any time of day. Yeeaaahhh. :Y

Re: Which Albums During Which Time of Day?

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 10:23 pm
by TMBJon
Yankomaniac wrote:Dare To Be Stupid: Perfect amount of time on this album for taking a shower or folding the laundry
You are taking inappropriately long showers.

Re: Which Albums During Which Time of Day?

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 4:45 am
by Yankomaniac
Well, when I shower, I shave afterwards. I also have pretty long hair so it takes some extra time. It is a quick album. Oh, I see what you meant now. Your a sly one! :D

Re: Which Albums During Which Time of Day?

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 4:47 am
by Big Spoon
It's still 37 minutes long! You're the reason why we're having a drought in California. :angry: