Al is stuck in my head!

Love the music and CD's of Weird Al? Do you have comments on it? You can post it here!

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Post by Orthography Enthusiast »

the al song that stuck in my head the most is Wanna B Ur Lover. For some reason i can't get enough of this song, is there something wrong with me.

No, but if you find yourself wanting to follow some guy home just because he uses lines like those, THAT'S a problem. :yell:
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Post by Orthography Enthusiast »

I'm singing hardware store :lookround: :blush:

and GiF is also stuck in my head.

Wow, talk about multitasking!
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Post by DrDecay »

In general I'd have to say I think "Amish Paradise" "Dare to be Stupid" "Yoda" "It's All About the Pentiums" "The Weird Al Show Theme" and "Grapefruit Diet" are probably the most common ones stuck in my head, but I almost always have some Weird Al or other artists' song in my head, so it's hard to say which ones get stuck there more often![/quote]

Man! I have had all of those songs stuck in my head at one point. "As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain/ I take a look at my wife an relize she's very plane/well thas just perfect for an amish like me..." "settle down, raise a family, join the PTA? Buy some sensable shoes and a Cheverolet" "Yoda Yo Yo Yo Yo Yada" "Its all about the pentiums baby Yah Yah Its all about the pentiums baby.. Its all about the pentiums" "Oh this is a story about a guy named Al/ who lived in a sewar with his hamster pal/ but the sanitation workers just didn't approve/ so he packed up his accordion/ and had to move to a city in ohio where he lived in a tree/ and he worked in a naisal decongestion factory/ And he played on the companies bowling team/ And every single night he had the same recuring dream/ where he played his accordion in a tub of sourcream/ but thats really not important to the story/ Well, the vary next day he met a dentail hygentist with a spatula tattooed on her arm/ on her arm..." Grape fruit diet! Diet/ cant have another eclair..."

those are the most common parts of the songs that get stuck in my head, oh by the way... I have not ever had that much of the weird Al show theme stuck in my head, however I just wanted to see how much I actually knew of the song by heart, and after the girl with the spatual tattoo I get really confused. Well its about 10:26pm on the west coast (CA) and its a sunday, and I still have to take a shower, read through my lines, and get some sleep. Because unfoutunatly I have school tomarrow. But its only for two more weeks!!! Then I am done with high school. O3!!

P.S> Sorry for any misspellings I am getting tired!

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Post by Moose »

I always get the part of Couch Potato from "A 30 second spot then we come back to Are You Hot" to the end. I always think of that and have to play it all. Also, the "Girl you must be Jamaican" part. And every other Al song there is.
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Post by Captain Wacky »

If I sing, "Wait a minute it looks like Stu!" one more time my husband is going to kill me!!!
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Post by Shelley »

Lately it's been the refrain and ba ba-ba ba ba-ba-ba ba part of "Why Does This Always Happen to Me?", although "Coach Potato" is a close second!

Me too! That ba ba-ba-ba part I just find myself humming to myself over and over again -- help me!

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Post by Teh Dingo »

Good thread! Although an easier question would be what Weird Al song doesn't get stuck in my head! :)

Same here! I just don't think there's enough poll options for that! :D

Given the options that we do have, I'll take "Couch Potato", probably just because "Lose Yourself" is catchiest song he's parodied on that list, and now, whenever I hear "Lose Yourself", I can't not think of "Couch Potato".......maybe Eminem does need his image protected from Al.....
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Post by autrefois »

I have not ever had that much of the weird Al show theme stuck in my head, however I just wanted to see how much I actually knew of the song by heart, and after the girl with the spatual tattoo I get really confused.

I spent days learning this song and I was very pleased when I was finally able to sing the whole thing through without making any mistakes! It wasn't just memorizing, but having my mouth move quickly enough! The two parts that always got me were "Every single night he had a strange recurring dream/Where he was wearing leiderhosen in a vat of sour cream" and "Really makes a mighty fine jelly bean and pickle sandwich", my mouth just did not want to cooperate!
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Post by Ratbert197 »

A really catchy line is "A Kleenex used by Dr. Dre" Dont know why its ctachy. Tell me why... :biggrin:
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Post by algonacchick »

Well, out of all the choices in the poll, I picked Couch Potato because I've been playing PH constantly! But Genius in France gets stuck in my head the most.


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