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Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 5:28 pm
by Seva
Umm... Hi, Seva here, Al's Russian fan. I won't be too wordy 'cause I'm pretty sure that the topic is to be deleted, but I wanna COMPLAIN!!!
Finally, Weird Al's having a new ALbum in just about a month!!! YAY!!! And once again, I'm out of touch with a half of parody material over there. I don't call myself musically retarded, but I guess I'll never know who Chamillionaire and Taylor Hicks are. :( I know when PH came out, there've already been a topic like this, but I just wondered what other fans, especially non-English speaking, think about it. WHiZZi? RWDW? Mewrio? Laszlo? (my favorite Hungarian fan who never posted).


Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:04 pm
by weird_el
Seva @ Aug 22 2006, 10:28 AM wrote: I'm out of touch with a half of parody material over there. I don't call myself musically retarded, but I guess I'll never know who Chamillionaire and Taylor Hicks are. :(
Seva, don't feel bad. I LIVE here and I'm out of touch with a lot of Al's parody choices this time around. God only knows how many of the featured artists in polka medley I'll be unfamiliar with.

It's gotten to the point now where I rely on Al to give me a better idea of the current trends in pop culture.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 7:15 pm
by SwissAlFan
hi seva

Don't worry. I haven't heard artist like chamillionaire before too. Taylor Hicks? Never heard a song, the only thing I know he was the winner of American Idol. I had to figure it out who there are. A lot of artists which are popular in USA, are not popular here in europe.........


Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:45 pm
by scottidog
but I just wondered what other fans, especially non-English speaking, think about it. WHiZZi? RWDW? Mewrio? Laszlo?

Pssst... I think the Aussies do speak a language very much like English.

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 3:22 am
by Grom
It's Seva!!

Anyway, I know how you feel - I've really only heard songs by Green Day and Usher that might be possible parodies, so I know how you feel - very out of the loop. But here's hoping the parodies will rule regardless of if we've heard the songs!

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 8:25 pm
by Seva
It's Seva!!

Umm... yeah. Missed me? :D

Pssst... I think the Aussies do speak a language very much like English.


Taylor Hicks? Never heard a song, the only thing I know he was the winner of American Idol.

A-ha!! I guess I recall what you're talking about. Isn't it a guy who coudn't be labelled as a teenager since he's 35 or something? Or am I wrong again...?

It's gotten to the point now where I rely on Al to give me a better idea of the current trends in pop culture.

But here's hoping the parodies will rule regardless of if we've heard the songs!

Amen. 8)