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Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 8:00 am
by CatraDhtem
QUOTE uhh... whats a \"digi-pak\"?

Let's see...what would be the best way to explain it...? Imagine the DVD coming in a book-styled cardboard sleeve with a plastic disc holder glued inside. This style of packaging is usually used on CD singles, so it is kind of an oddity as far as DVDs go. I guess the inside would be likened to how one disc is packaged in most modern DVD boxed sets.

The only problem with the digi-pak is that it has no clasps to hold it shut. So unless so have something stacked on top of it or have it wedged between two things, it will remain open.

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 10:13 am
by Australian_Boy
I just saw it, and I did not have the money to get it :( :( .

I'll put up photos when I get it... hopefully in the next few days... :(

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 1:05 pm
by Miss Janine
Now I'm wondering if it'll be in the same kind of case when we (the US) get it next month!

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 11:21 am
by Elvis
Question for those with the DVD. Does it correctly list the title of the video as "Money For Nothing / Beverly Hillbillies" or incorrectly list it as "Beverly Hillbillies / Money For Nothing" as was originally reported?


Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 11:26 am
by Grom
QUOTE Question for those with the DVD.  Does it correctly list the title of the video as \"Money For Nothing / Beverly Hillbillies\" or incorrectly list it as \"Beverly Hillbillies / Money For Nothing\" as was originally reported?

It seems the hillbillies are moving up in the world! ...The incorrect listing, in other words.

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 11:28 am
by Elvis

Thanks for the info Grom.


Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 11:33 am
by millie
"Beverly Hillbillies / Money For Nothing"

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 4:11 am
by Elvis
I got my copy today and just for fun I put it in the DVD player to see if it would work and lo and behold...... it didn't.

So I can't comment on the videos or special features or photo gallery or anything exciting. But I can comment on the packaging. It's a, hmm.... how can I put this politely... inexpensive clear hard plastic case with a glossy paper insert. The insert lists the videos in order on the DVD and gives a short paragraph description of the video including the timespan it was shot over. For those who have the DVD videos already, it's the same exact thing, even down to the mistitled MFN/BH video (:rolleyes:), in addition to, obviously, the short descriptions for the videos that weren't on the previous DVD. There's also a picture of Amish Al with Coolio hair on the last page of the glossy paper insert. One side of the DVD itself contains a single color print of the cover image, and the other side amazingly when I looked at it had my image on it. The image seemed to move as I did, and if I didn't know better, I'd think I was looking in a mirror.

Well, that's it for now. I'll have to wait until November to review the rest. :)


Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 4:33 am
by Bruce the Duck
You know, I don't think of BH/MFN as misstitled. I think it's just an alternate, or updated title. Al and/or Jay probably realized at some point that putting Beverly Hillbillies first in the title makes more sense since the song is about the Beverly Hillbillies. So now they're using that title instead. Also, remember "Theme From Rocky XIII" also goes by two different titles, so why can't MFN/BH.

Maybe the title should be "Money For Nothing/Beverly Hillbillies/Beverly Hillbillies/Money For Nothing." ;)

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 4:50 am
by Elvis
QUOTE Maybe the title should be \"Money For Nothing/Beverly Hillbillies/Beverly Hillbillies/Money For Nothing.\"

You forgot the asterisk.
