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Mail Down and possible faster connection

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2002 3:42 pm
by WHiZZi
Hi there,

@Home, my current ISP, has blocked port 25 for all customers. This means that any mail-address is not working. So, don't try to send a mail to a mailaddress containing My other mail address ([email protected]) is still working.

Because of this (blocking port 25 by @Home) I'm going to switch to another ISP within 2 months. If everything works out ok, this site will be offline for less than 4 hours. The switch to another ISP also has some positive influence on this forum. My current bandwidth is 128Kbps upstream. By switching to the other ISP, my upstream will raise to 256Kbps, what will be noticeable when browsing this forum. When this ISP-switch is going to happen is still not known, but as soon as I have more information about this, I'll let you know.

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2002 10:15 pm
by WHiZZi
:onfire: !!!UPDATE!!! :onfire:

We've switched to the other ISP a few hours ago..

So, now we have a upload of 256kbit (and it was 128kbit)