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Re: Alpocalypse Track Ranking

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:03 am
by Way_Moby
Here's my go. I added a numerical thingie on the side. As you can see, his "worst" track is still pretty good on a scale of 1-10.

"Party in the CIA" (9.8/10)
"Another Tattoo" (9.5/10)
"TMZ" (9.4/10)
"Perform This Way" (9.2/10)
"Craigslist" (9/10)
"Whatever You Like" (8.8/10)
"Stop Forwarding That Crap to Me" (8.5/10)
"If That Isn't Love" (8/10)
"Polka Face" (7.8/10)
"CNR" (7.6/10)
"Skipper Dan" (7.2/10)
"Ringtone" (7/10)

Re: Alpocalypse Track Ranking

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:14 am
by Bruce the Duck
How did you generate such specific ratings?

Re: Alpocalypse Track Ranking

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:53 am
by mrmeadows
Mine won't be as specific as Way-Moby's, since I've only had a chance to listen to the new songs a couple times through. But here are my first impressions, from least favorite to most favorite:

12. Ringtone -- my least favorite of the Internet Leaks, and continues to hold the bottom spot. Maybe if I were a bigger Queen fan I'd like it more, but the subject matter is weak right out of the gate, and there are almost no jokes here.
11. Polka Face -- This one doesn't seem as strong as some of Al's better polkas (i.e. Alternative or Angry White Boy), but it's still a polka and I enjoyed it. . .just didn't light my world on fire or anything.
10. Whatever You Like -- A weak target song, but a good concept. I like this song a little more than I did initially, though. It does have one of Al's best lyrical turns of phrase possibly ever, with "My wallet's fat and full of Ones / It's all about the Washingtons!". That lyric alone justifies the song's existence.
09. CNR -- This is a song I loved at first, but has kind of grown stale for me. I like the lyrics, it has a good sound, but somehow it just gets a little boring after repeat listenings.
08. Perform This Way -- A good parody, and of the parodies on this album it HAD to be the lead. But I find that while it is very enjoyable to listen to, it isn't really laugh-out-loud funny. I like it though, and I'm really looking forward to the video. (Partially because I'm in it!)
07. Another Tattoo -- I'm not a huge fan of the original, but I have to say I probably laughed out loud more during this song than any of the others. I guess I wish it had one more verse, since it seemed to end prematurely. Could have been ranked higher if he went a little further with it. His vocals are great, too. (Love when he says "I'm really okay..." and then background singer Al echoes "Okay!".)
06. TMZ -- Actually a really good parody. The lyrics are great, but the only thing not bumping this higher is that Al's vocals seem a little off to me. Not horrible, but I'm used to the original so it's hard to get used to the change.
05. Skipper Dan -- Excellent original. Second favorite of the IL songs. Love that it's kind of sad in addition to funny.
04. Party in the CIA -- this one killed me. Genius juxtaposition of a bubblegummy, tweeny-bopper pop song with the dark themes of international espionage. Even funnier that it's about a wet-behind-the-ears agent who can't wait to go out and start assassinating people. Hilarious.
03. If That Isn't Love -- Hilarious lyrics, and a great-sounding song. My only gripe is it had a little too much toilet humor in it, but otherwise this is Grade-A material.
02. Craigslist -- One of Al's best style parodies....period. And funny. I don't care what anyone says.
01. Stop Forwarding That Crap To Me -- This was my most anticipated track and it did not disappoint. As most of us can, I identified with these kinds of forwarded email, and it has always been a pet peeve. This was a great choice of song topic and it was expertly handled. I don't know much about Meatloaf, but I do know that this song contains some of Al's best lyrics and vocals ever. Perfection!

Re: Alpocalypse Track Ranking

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:03 am
by ludovica64
Nearly impossible to rank these but the top two will always be my top two I think

1. CNR
2. Craigslist
3. Perform This Way
4. TMZ
5. Party In The CIA
6. Another Tattoo
7. If That Isn't Love
8. Stop Forwarding That Crap To Me
9.Polka Face
10. Skipper Dan
11. Whatever You Like
12. Ringtone

Re: Alpocalypse Track Ranking

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:20 am
by Big Spoon
Still way too early for me to do this. I'll write mine up in a day or two.

Re: Alpocalypse Track Ranking

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:40 am
by Mad Genius
Big Spoon wrote:Still way too early for me to do this. I'll write mine up in a day or two.
Ditto. I have to listen to the entire album several times before I can formulate a full opinion outside of liking most of the Internet Leaks, TMZ and Polka Face.

Re: Alpocalypse Track Ranking

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:08 am
by OneWAY
Yeah, don't feel comfortable rating all the tracks just yet. It'll probably be sometime after the album actually drops before I listen to all the songs enough.

Re: Alpocalypse Track Ranking

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:00 pm
by sethmartin
It seems everyone is pretty much liking TMZ. I've listened to that the most today.

TMZ- The original is just a catchy song and Al's lyrics work well here. I live in hollywood so I see the TMZ people all the time and my friend is one of them so this song hit close to home. I love this song. If Al released a second parody single with live action video it should be for this

CNR- I just like heavy rock music and I'm a fan of badass-ness

Skipper Dan- super familiar with the actor types. I still laugh at this song

Perform this Way- Only funny if you know about lady gaga but if you do its hilarious. I also think that the video is going to add the most to it sort of like W&N.

If that Isn't Love- I agree with the toilet humor quote from earlier. I like hanson and I think Al did a great job spoofing them. The song is great and funny all the way up to Al saying that she makes the sun look like a big turd. For some reason, that line just kinda ruins it for me.

Party in the CIA- I think this song is great. It reminds me of Pretty Fly for a Rabbi or one of those kind of content heavy songs where you can tell Al did his homework. Its one of those, you either get it or you don't songs.

Polka Face- I've been listening to the live version from youtube so much that this sounded weird to me. Gotta get use to it.

Another Tattoo- Love it. Already stuck in my head just like the original

Craigslist- The snotty barista at the coffee bean on san vicente blvd line does it for me.

Whatever You Like- I haven't listened to this in a while. I know it took a while to grow on me

Ringtone- I like it.

Stop forwarding that crap to me- Have't given this one enough listens yet

Re: Alpocalypse Track Ranking

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:50 pm
by CharlesNelson
12 Whatever You Like - Only last because we've been listening to it since 2008 and the jokes are sliiiightly old. That said, still a great song! And I have it at number 12, so you can tell what I think of the album as a whole!

11 Skipper Dan - Another song I really like, but its big knock is that it's more of a sobering song than out-and-out hilarious.

10 Craigslist - Again, only because it's kinda old. It's alright, but not amazing compared to some of the new parodies and originals.

9 Polka Face - Polkas never end up too high (low?) on these lists. Oh well. They're great, and this is no exception. But still, polkas are not what we usually get the most excited for.

8 Ringtone - Pretty good song too, obviously, but if you haven't noticed yet, nearly almost the Internet Leaks fell to eighth and below. It's only because of the novelty of the other new songs on the album.

7 Party in the CIA - Don't see the big problem with this song. I see where he was coming from when writing this song. He mentioned in the New York Times interview that he hoped it wouldn't be construed negatively now that "Party in the USA" has been used as an "anthem" for bin Laden's death (which I still think is ridiculous). Yeah, I would've left out the waterboarding reference too, like every other WOWAYer on here with an opinion, but don't let that one bit ruin the rest of the song for you! ("Tapping the phones like yeah, shredding the files like yeah..." xD)

6 TMZ - "It's getting to the point where a famous person can't even get a DUI or go on a racist rant" xD Also, that was Al screaming "Everything celebrities do is FASCINATING!", but were the other things before it (i.e. "I pronounce her guilty of leaving the house fat!") also Al? I think they sounded like different voices, different people. Anywho, great song!

5 Another Tattoo - My only regret was that it was a little shorter than I'd hoped, or it would have been higher. Otherwise, fully satisfied my expectations! Anyone else raise up the volume at the very end and hear Al get zapped by the needle and yell "MOTHER-" before being cut off? xD Great rapping from Al too, as usual!

4 Stop Forwarding That Crap To Me - Hilarious. Heavy on the jokes, and epic music - really, really, really impressed. Had it behind Another Tattoo at first, but I couldn't let myself.

3 Perform This Way - Still such a win of a song. And still my favorite parody on this album, even after hearing TMZ, CIA and Tattoo this morning. I couldn't stop listening to it when it came out, and I still think it's hilarious.

2 CNR - Easily my favorite of the Internet Leaks, for obvious reasons, and for a long time still first overall, until I heard...

1 If That Isn't Love - Beats out CNR mostly based on its novelty. But, like everyone else who put ITIL first on their lists, I agree! Heavy on the *great* jokes, as Quab said, that compare to I'm So Sick of You and, in my opinion, Confessions Part III. That, plus he nailed the Hanson pastiche! I started swaying from the moment it started. Loved it, loved it, loved it!

Re: Alpocalypse Track Ranking

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:35 am
by Well, Well, Well
i feel like weird al himself ranks the tracks in terms of best to worst, with the exception of saving a really good or potentially the best original for an album closer.