Weird Al Survivor IX - Gameplay Thread - WINNER REVEALED!

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Re: Weird Al Survivor IX - Gameplay Thread

Post by Kevbo1987 »

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Re: Weird Al Survivor IX - Gameplay Thread

Post by anthontherun »

The Minor Celebrities have decided to kidnap...

In a moment, you will lose access to your tribe's forum and see the Minor Celebrities forum. You'll stay there until the next challenge is posted, unless of course you decide to permanently join that tribe.

Stay tuned for Tree Mail, posted in a few minutes!
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Re: Weird Al Survivor IX - Gameplay Thread

Post by anthontherun »


There will be two components to this challenge: a planning period (which definitely won't need to be long) and then a live portion that will require one member of the tribe to be online--this part should be less than a half-hour (could be a little longer; could be a lot shorter). So here are the options:
-We could officially begin the cycle tomorrow night around 10, and give you guys a full day or so to do the planning stuff. This means that minnick would need to make his decision about which tribe to go with by then.
-Or we could wait until Sunday night and give an hour or so for the planning, then hold the challenge shortly after. So tomorrow would just be a day off. We could also hold it Monday if that's better for everyone's schedules. Let us know in the chit-chat topic.


As a reminder, keep sending in your confessionals! I've heard from several players but would love to get everyone's thoughts and strategies about the game. All will be kept strictly confidential.
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Re: Weird Al Survivor IX - Gameplay Thread

Post by minnick27 »

I have decided to go with
The Jungle Cruise Guides
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Re: Weird Al Survivor IX - Gameplay Thread

Post by anthontherun »

No problem; we'll move you back in about 24 hours.
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Re: Weird Al Survivor IX - Gameplay Thread

Post by anthontherun »

Mike is now all set back with the Jungle Cruise Guides, so we'll go ahead and let you guys start planning the next challenge. It's pretty simple, but if you have any questions, please ask.

Detailed instructions on how to play this challenge will be posted before the live portion begins, but for right now, this is what both tribes need to do: in the designated planning thread in your tribe forums, select coordinates for each of these ten items. The grid you'll be working with is 64 squares; A1 to H8. Please make sure you specify which object goes in which coordinate, because as Tree Mail said, the points will matter.

-Spatula (1 point)
-Spam (2 points)
-Joni Mitchell 8-track (3 points)
-Ball peen hammer (5 points)
-Joe Dirt DVD (6 points)
-Trashcan of Styrofoam peanuts (7 points)
-Lacoste t-shirt (with the alligator on) (9 points)
-Velvet Elvis painting (10 points)
-Plane ticket to New Jersey (11 points)
-Ball of twine (15 points)

You will also need to select a designated poster that will be present and representing your team in the live portion. I'm a bit of a night owl so my preference is always to run things a little bit later--would 11 PM EST work? Each tribe only needs to have one person present for the live portion (although any tribemates who are online is free to work together). If that time isn't good for anyone on your tribe, please let us know ASAP and we'll try to figure out a better time. It probably won't take very long. Tribal Council will be posted immediately afterwards.
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Re: Weird Al Survivor IX - Gameplay Thread

Post by anthontherun »

Just to clarify, each object occupies one square regardless of the point value. So while ultimately the chances of selecting, say, the Joni Mitchell 8-track are identical to selecting, say, the Velvet Elvis painting, there are strategic (albeit not foolproof) ways of arranging things that I'll let you guys figure out. 8)
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Re: Weird Al Survivor IX - Gameplay Thread

Post by anthontherun »


Since the last two challenges were both pretty intense affairs, we're gonna keep this one pretty basic. Simply put, this is the one challenge this season where the only question you need to ask yourself is: Do you feel lucky, punk? (Don't worry, there are no Magnums involved.)

Gather round, Survivors: for this challenge, I'm going to tell you a story, and I'd suggest you pay close attention.

There once was a man named Al. He had a pet named Harvey the Wonder Hamster. One day, Al was taking Harvey for a walk, and they spotted a--OH MY GOD IT'S THE APOCALYPSE! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! Why, oh why, didn't we listen to you, Harold Camping?

Well, that came out of nowhere. But there is some good news: because I figured this day was soon to arrive, I managed to secure seats for all of us on a spaceship that will take us to safety on a planet near Mars. Unfortunately, each tribe is only able to bring a few supplies for the trip.
-Spatula (1 point)
-Spam (2 points)
-Joni Mitchell 8-track (3 points)
-Ball peen hammer (5 points)
-Joe Dirt DVD (6 points)
-Trashcan of Styrofoam peanuts (7 points)
-Lacoste t-shirt (with the alligator on) (9 points)
-Velvet Elvis painting (10 points)
-Plane ticket to New Jersey (11 points)
-Ball of twine (15 points)

I wish it were as easy as telling you all to gather those up and go…but yesterday, you guys were busy sabotaging your opponents in your tribe forums by hiding their supplies. Each tribe selected coordinates for all of these items, and now you must uncover where your opponents placed them in this Battleship-style game.

Each tribe also selected a designated poster for this challenge. The Minor Celebrities selected The Doctor while The Jungle Cruise Guides selected Wizzerkat (at least initially).

Those designated posters will select coordinates each round where they think their opponents hid the items. We'll start off with each person picking two coordinates per round, though that may change to one if the game lasts a while. After both posters have made their selections, I'll post an updated version of the coordinate boards and the current score. The next round begins immediately following this, and the designated posters will select another set of coordinates.

There is no order to how the designated posters must post: once the updated board is posted, it's a free-for-all. Each tribe will be working with its own unique board, so there's no need to worry about duplicate coordinates.

The first team to reach 27 points wins immunity. If both teams reach or exceed 27 on the same turn, the winner will be the team with the higher amount. If there's a tie, we'll continue playing until it's broken.

This challenge takes place in this thread--unless you have questions, the designated posters should be the only ones posting in this thread, although you're certainly welcome to work together in your tribe forums. Let me know if you have any questions.
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Re: Weird Al Survivor IX - Gameplay Thread

Post by Wizzerkat »

Is my dude a dweeb?
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Re: Weird Al Survivor IX - Gameplay Thread

Post by Wizzerkat »

when do we go?
Is my dude a dweeb?